Release Form

To: AgCarolina Farm Credit Marketing Department and Staff

You are hereby authorized to use recordings, photographs/video and/or reproduction of photographs/video of me/us, of my child/children, and of my/our property. These can be used in the following formats or other media, not specifically mentioned, for the purpose of advertising and publicity of your services:

  • Electronic Media (website, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)
  • Brochures, flyers, and other collateral materials
  • Newspaper and/or magazine advertising
  • Direct mail pieces
  • Annual Report

You will be provided a copy of the article about your operation/business for review, which will be published in a AgCarolina Farm Credit publication or on the website. 

If you have any edits or extensive changes, please coordinate them in a timely fashion directly with the writer/editor. You will receive an updated proof for review and approval separate to this form. 

The form acknowledges that you are aware of the approval process and that pending your confirmation of final approval, AgCarolina is authorized to use the above-noted items. 

If you agree to the above terms, please fill out the form below.