Association News

  • Announcements

    2022 Annual Stockholders' Meeting Information Statement

    CAPE FEAR FARM CREDIT, ACA 2022 ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING INFORMATION STATEMENT The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Cape Fear Farm Credit, ACA will be held in-person and virtually by video conference, at 1:00 pm (Eastern Time) on February 22, 2022. Information on how to join the...
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  • Patronage

    It’s Your Lucky Day! Another Record-Breaking Patronage Refund

    Get excited! Patronage distribution day is right around the corner, it’s almost your lucky day as we distribute a record-breaking patronage! This year we are handing out $31 Million of our profits to you, our customer-owners. “For the second year in a row, we are able to deliver a record patronage...
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  • Patronage

    Why Patronage? Making a Difference in Agriculture.

    We recently announced that we have another record-breaking patronage refund for our customer-owners. We were able to reduce interest costs for our borrowers by approximately 2.76% by returning profits. Farm Credit is unique in that it follows a cooperative model and distributes its profits to our...
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  • Blog

    Patronage Refunds—The Cooperative Difference

    Being able to share profits with our customers through patronage is something we get excited about. Most businesses don’t do this, but when you borrow from Farm Credit, you become a customer-owner, and therefore, are entitled to profits of the Association as declared by fellow farmers that are...
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  • Blog

    What Snow Means to a Farm Family

    When a snowflake shows up big and bold on the weather station for North Carolina, it’s a big deal for this southern state. It also means a few things. It typically means milk and bread fly off the shelves of the grocery store. Schools and businesses close. Folks make sure generators are on standby...
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  • Webinars

    How to Handle Sticky Conversations

    Sharon Justice leads a discussion regarding how to handle sticky conversations, which can lead to more effective communication for you and your team.
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  • Webinars

    The Importance of the AgriTourism Industry

    by Annie Bagget AgriTourism helps with the education, recreation, and entertainment of the public through working farms and ranches. Through this webinar, discover the basics of AgriTourism and the necessity to diversify and innovate in agriculture. Topics discussed include: The economics of...
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